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Map of the month September 2024: School starts again

Every September school is starting again after the summer holidays. Where is the most demand of primary schools in the Centrope region? To get an overview about that, we can use the percentage of 5 to 9 year old children in relation to the total population as approximated value. We can see a higher percentage of 5-to-9-year-old children along the Danube from around Bratislava to the West of Lower Austria as well as in and around the bigger cities in the Czech area, České Budějovice, Jihlava and Brno. The percentage of 5-to-9-year-old children is smaller in the North of Lower Austria and in the Burgenland/Hungary area. The map is available through our geoportal

Chart of the month August

This month we take a look at the development of the number of pupils in lower secondary education, which is equivalent to ISCED 2 class. The chart shows a light increase of the numbers in Slovakia from 2018 on. In Austria, the numbers are also slightly increasing, whereas Hungary's number of ISCED 2 pupils has been decreasing for the last few years. The Czech Republic has the highest increase of all Centrope countries. Data source:

Did you know?

These are the names of the four Centrope coutries in their respective languages (and English):



CentropeMAP/STATISTICS is a cross-border information system and free geoportal of the Austrian Planning Association East (PGO) which gives planners, decision makers, researchers, teachers, students and everyone else interested a better overview of the Centrope region.

CentropeMAP is a geoportal connecting the region by collecting web map services from the partner countries. The services are brought together in a single map viewer and allow the user to experience a cross-border working area with dozens of data layers dealing with all topics which could be of interest for regional planners and similar professions. Layers are coming from the fields of biota, boundaries, elevation, imagery/base maps, inland waters, planning/cadastre, structure, and transportation.

CentropeSTATISTICS is the only available free web tool to visualise cross-border statistical data in its own connected geoportal allowing the user to influence the way of visualisation in multiple ways in the Centrope region. CentropeSTATISTICS can not only create maps, it also serves charts which are interactively created from the data in the cross-border database. For the Czech Republic, CentropeSTATISTICS does not only cover the Centrope county Jihomoravský, but also features data from the counties Vysočina and Jihočesky which are also adjacent or close to the Austrian border.

CentropeMAP and CentropeSTATISTICS Info Folder

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